Frequently Asked Questions

What is passive investing?

Simply put, passive investing is allowing professional asset management to put your money to work for you. This allows investors to not worry about the constant ups and downs of the stock market - timing buying and selling within the exact minute. Passive investing allows an "invest and forget" opportunity. Bannock Capital will provide you monthly updates on the health of the property. This report will include where we are at with the sale, vacancy, lease-ups, bad debt, rehabs, etc.

Do you only take Accredited Investors?

Each offering can be structured differently, but in general, we provide opportunities for non-accredited sophisticated investors as well as Accredited Investors. Strict care is taken to ensure that investment opportunities are only offered to those who understand the risks associated with private equity investing.

Am I an Accredited Investor?

Being an "accredited investor" is a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) term. Without going into too much detail, an accredited investor includes anyone who:

  • Earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year,

  • OR has a net worth over $1 million, either alone or together with a spouse (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence).

Don't fall into this category? Not to worry, there might still be opportunities to invest set up a call and let's talk about it.

What is the minimum investment with Bannock Capital?

Every deal is different, but most offerings will come with a minimum investment of $50,000 to $75,000, but sometimes can be as low as $25,000 and some as high as $100,000. It all depends on the requirements of each project.

How long is a typical investment period?

We have two types of offerings at Bannock Capital. Short-term and long-term. Long-term investments are typically 5-7 years in commercial multifamily. Short-term investments can range from a month to six months and are used to fund raw land flips and developments. Any investment made should plan to be illiquid for the duration.

How does Bannock Capital get paid?

Being the orchestrator of complex real estate projects is a serious undertaking with legal and financial risks. As such, our goal is to be paid just like you.

While the structure of each offering will differ, typically we will be paid in the same type of ways. We will be paid through part ownership in the deal, receive cash-flow, receive an acquisition fee, receive a small fee for continuing to operate and manage the property and variations of the above depending on what asset is being offered.

At Bannock Capital, you will always see our financial goals aligned. Meaning, when you make money, we make money. Our incentive is to make you financially successful.

Do you have more questions? Reach out to schedule a call!